Sunday, May 13, 2012

Inspite of the Odds, God!

Cold weather - garden is growing well, in my living room.  First baby Zucchini coming on!
Heavy snow calapsed  my greenhouse - My hubby and a friend straightened it all back out and the plastic was only seriously ripped in one place.  Easy fix!
My faithful old dog can hardly walk anymore - We got a cute and loveable new puppy and he's smart too!  
I was told Bible study group was not likely to work - We have anywhere between 10 to 20 people  every Wednesday evening.  We have also had our first request of baptism!
I was told that a support group for those who wanted to maintain a healthy lifestyle wouldn't work - We've had a faithful attendance of 10 - 13 people every Tuesday evening and it is growing!  Hurray!   
Thought Caleb would never grow - Has grown an inch in the last month!      Amazing!
Trying to figure out how to make extra money - Start painting someone elses house tomorrow!  Will get paid for that.  Awesome!  Was given an ancient motorhome.  I renovated it and have two college girls renting it for the summer!  Awesome again!!  Have another girl renting space on our land to park hers and is eating with us also so she is going to pay for that!  Great witnessing opportunities!  Love it!
Septic tank not big enough to accomidate our renters. - hubby built a nice big outhouse all out of wood that was given to us!  Looks fabulous!  Renter are happy! 

Looking forward to more blessing from God! 


  1. You've got a great blog to follow! More power to you!

  2. Hey Ju, your last two blogs are great. If you don't write often you can pack a lot of news into a little space. Really good. I'm praying for you always.
