Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hubby at his Work Place

This is a bit of an interesting story that isn't finished happening yet (I hope). 
My husband is an aircraft mechanic at a local charter company that flies Medical Evacuation planes and also supplies in and out of mining camps.  He has put aside the twisting of wrenches for the time being though, and has taken on the position of Quality Assurance maneger.  It is a desk job but  it pays more and so for the time being he is doing what no one else wants to do.  That's ok though.  He has a chance to chat with the guys on a fairly regular basis and still exudes an influence around the shop for good.
It was just the other day that my husband was telling me that they had a new contractor from Alberta.  A really nice older gentleman with long hair pulled back into a pony tail.
He had been working there for quite a while when he sidles up beside my husband and kind of in a half whisper said,  "I finally got you figured out!" 
"Oh?"  My husband said with a laugh,  "You are doing better then my wife and my mother!  So what did you figure out?"
"You are a Sabbath keeper!"  He replied!
My husband chuckled,  "I could have told you that!  It's no secret around here.  You could have just asked."  
And somehow from their the conversation got interupted as they went about their jobs. 
My husband came home and while musing over his day, he shared this interesting tidbit of the days event with me.  Of course, I ask a thousand questions but what's there to be said about a conversation that went no further then that. 
Last night while sitting on the couch chatting,  My husband related the next episode of the on-going story. 
He said,  "I asked this contractor guy today, ""You have my curiosity peaked!  What made you decide I was a Sabbath keeper?" 
"Well," Replied the contractor,  "You never swear and you never drink!"  He carried on,  "My wife and I used to go to church at the Sal*vation Army chuch.  We did ministry on the streets.  One time we invited some street people to our church but when they came in all their disheveled, smelly clothes, they were told to leave and go back down town where they belonged.  We never went to church again!  We went home and began to study our Bible's for ourselves.  We discovered that God has asked us to worship on the Seventh day and not Sunday. So we do, at home alone, every Sabbath!  My wife is stricter about it then me but it is what we learned and what we do."

Again the conversation must have been interupted because while they had a good talk about God and religion, my husband did not get a chance to invite him to our little home church this Sabbath but hoped he would grab that chance when he went to work on Friday.  Unfortunately, he forgot Friday is a holiday and nobody went to work.

Well, you say,  next week!  It would be nice but the man is leaving back for Alberta next Friday. 
Still, the story is not over yet because in May, he is coming up again to do more contract work and he is hoping to bring his wife. 

I'm already praying for God to open up the opportunity for us to witness and invite both to home church and to our house for supper some evening.  Praying that God will lead in this. 

My husband did mention that both himself and this contractor guy had discovered that they both had a similar background experience, having gone through the drugs and the alcohol scene and then finding Jesus.
My husband shared with the guy that he had determined in his heart that if he should ever join a church, he wanted to make sure that it followed the Bible to a T.   The man was in complete agreement on that.  Art went on to say,  "I found the Seventh Day Adventist church and their doctrines hold true to the Bible.  Not everyone in the church follows the doctrines taught from the Bible but the church as a Whole believes in the Bible and it's teachings." 

This is another man to pray for!  May God expand our Teritory!  Jabez Prayer    

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Outside My Bedrroom door is the threshold of my mission field

Lately I awake every morning and leave my room with a sense of responsibility to God. 
I am beginning to realize that every act with every person is an act of influence.  My purpose is no longer to just be friends with everyone like it used to be, but to rather be an influence of the Saving Grace of Jesus whatever form that takes.

I've been trying to make every moment count whenever I make a trip to town.  Town is actually half an hour away from home and so I try to fit in as much as possible each time I go. 

Yesterday,  I had to deliver a pile of jackets that I had put Security badges on for the business that has recently hired me to do their sewing for them.  I decided to leave early enough not to rush business and in plenty enough time to visit a friend that asked me to come and see her. 

This friend and her daughter have recently joined our little homechurch.  They are so in love with Jesus and wanting to follow him.  It is such a blessing to be with them.  They were recently blessed, when I petitioned the church board on the daughter's behalf to be sponcered to go to ASI's  Y*outh for Jesus progrqm and they agreed!  We were all extatic!  They were so grateful for the love shown, and I'm so grateful Elisha will get to experience the joys of being in service for the master she loves.

But tell me now, how, pray tell, is it possible to lose weight at all when you have Phillippino friends?  They fed us ice cream, sticky and sweet casava cake (I think that's what it was), pumpkin muffins, and the most delicious carrot, sweet potatoe curry with nan bread.  I was surprised when I left that she gasped and said,  "Oh no,  I forgot to serve you desert!"   Oh my,  I thought it was all desert!

However, I had had enough desert because even God saw fit to put a cherry on the top for me.  As I was about to leave, my friend said, "I have felt impressed and have a deep desire to do what I can for you.  Come to my computer,  lets download the application forms for YD camp for your two sons and I am going to pay for the application fee of $50 each."  I had told her that the boys were going to go!  I was saying that purely on faith.   Now, God had provided money that I did not have.  I had just told my sister the day before that by faith, we are coming down South so the kids can go to Y*oung Disciple Camp.  We are going to work our hinies off towards that end and trust that God will fill in the blanks.  Well,  He filled in the first $100!  Isn't he great!

From there I had a moment to spare when I dropped my boys off at the Canada Games Center for their speed skating, so I dropped by W*allMart to grab myself a loaf of Silver*Hills bread.   While entering the store, I breathed a prayer.  "Lord,  I have a little time right now!  Can you provide a witnessing moment for me this evening?"   Then I was off to a visit with a native lady whom I will be giving her first Bible Study to this evening along with another Native lady.

When I came into her home,  I chatted with her as she packed bones for my dog into a baggy for me to take home.  Suddenly from behind me I heard a soft voice say,  "Hello!"   I swung around,  I hadn't seen anyone else in the room.  There on a foamy on the floor, under some blankets, was the lady's 19 year old daughter.  She laughed at my fright and invited me to sit.  I took a seat on the couch nearest me and beside her bed on the floor.  I noticed an open Bible beside me and I picked it up in my hands. 

Mar*izah is the girls name (such a beautiful name!).  She began to question me about what is Lent (Hmmm,  I was too versed on what lent is.  lol  I'll have to bone up on how lent came about.)?  What was the purpose of Jesus fast in the desert?  What was the trial of Jesus like?  I had opportunity of expaining Jesus great love for her and for all mankind (She had never really heard the story).  We talked about the weight of guilt and sin that Christ took upon himself so that we wouldn't have to bear it and die all eternity. We talked about the free gift of Salvation through Jesus death.  We also talked about the resurection of Jesus.  She asked me if when people wear the upside down cross, were they mocking God?  I explained the story of Lucifer in Heaven, his fall, and his agenda here on Earth.  She asked questions about the music she was listening to and why do they aways have ocultish symbols on their album covers?  We talked about meditation and Eastern religions and about levitating.  We talked about her scary dream where she felt surounded by fear and darkness and could not so much as even move her head and how she prayed and it all disapeared just like that.   

Please continue to pray for this young girl.  God is reaching out to her!  This was the devine appointment I prayed for just an hour and a half before.   Praise God for that answer to prayer!

Tonight, I hold Bible studies for the native Ladies.  Tomorrow,  Starting next week on Friday evenings I start Bible studies with some ladie's from Figi who are SDA but by upbringing and not so much by knowlege or relationship, it seems!  They requested personal Bible studies when Dr. Tim presented the love of God in a sermon he preached here.  It is truly God at work.  I'm blessed to be the instrument in his hands.

We were blessed again the other day when the pastor asked us to please come before the board at our main SDA Church in town and present the church at home ministry.  We prayed, we went, we presented and the Lord Blessed.  Everyone looked on it with favor and even enthusiasm.  They could see how this could be the answer to growth up here in the Yukon.  Ethan,  prayed a prayer of blessing on our behalf and we felt that God was hearing our prayers for the softening of the hearts of the people in our church!  Charlie when home shouting the praises of God and that he had fairth in our little congregation for the very first time.   ;o)  We were all smiling!

I also presented our next plan,  Cooking school!  We need to follow up the Dr. Tim program sooner then later with a program that was most in demand after he left and that was,  "Teach us to cook vegan food!"  Well,  I noticed that the response to someone proffesional and from out of town was huge!  People appreciated new blood (so to speak!  lol)  So I thought to invite Ilene Bre*wer and Phil from Silver H*ills to come up.  I called them and they said,  "The best time would be this spring!"  Wow,  That is certainly what I wanted to hear!  Praise God!  Now, I'm just waiting to hear back from them.  Hopefully soon!  Yay!

And so now,  I must get to work and help my kids through their anatomy and physiology science lesson and prepare them for their Spelling program that my friend Bev has so graciously offered to help them with once a week.  I am so grateful for friends who see my weeknesses and needs and are willing to give a helping hand.

Well, that's my life as it stands right now!  Counting my blessings and naming them one by one! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Ups and Downs

This post is a little sad,  not discouraging but a little heavy, I guess.

I have a huge burden on my heart to be in ministry.  My husband and I have started a small home church and the people who attend are loving it.  They feel inspired.  They say,  "We feel like this must be what it was like with the Disciples."  There is a closeness to one another.  We pray together sometime for as long as 30 minutes at a time.  It hardly seems like it though, as the prayers are spontanious and heart felt (United Prayer).  We praise God. We pray for each other.  We confess our sins.  We pray for the Holy Spirit and direction in our ministry to reach our community.

We have been using Young Disc*ple Quarterly every Sabbath for our study guide.  We are all so richly blessed by it that a single lesson can go on in discussion for an hour and a half without breaking interest.  This leaves no time for a sermon usually but we are so blessed by the Study that we sometimes just end right there with more prayer and singing. 
We then fellowship and visit while we enjoy an awesome vegetarian meal together.  There is love and laughter and lots of discussion about new outreach ideas.
My husband has not lost his ferver since coming back from GYC this winter.  He is as much into this now as he was then.  He has ideas which he would like to impliment and try.
We've also registered as an A-Unit with *ARME.  They have a 6 week program for leading small groups into community outreach and church growth.  We are excited about that but haven't recieved feed back from them yet to show us the first step. 

I talked to the pastor today and I shared my desire for a quick follow-up on our last program done by Dr. Tim R*esenberger.  The interest seemed to lie primarily in learning to cook vegetarian food just as the Dr. suggested in his program and so,  it is my endeaver to get that started soon.  I'm excited about that!

But,  with all the responsibilities of leading out in a ministry of some sort comes a whole ton of critisizim, people issues, misunderstandings, and rumors. 
I have alluded to the fact before that we were not comfortable, as a family, with the worship music at our main church and had voiced our concerns.  There was some pretty upset folk, unfortunately, and we were told to not speak our opinions and concerns again.  Needless to say, it was a bit uncomfortable for the next year, to actually feel convicted about something strong enough to get up and walk out the church we loved so much as the music continued to beat.  

When we started our new little home church, we invited our pastor to our house to let him know that this would be a ministry to bring people to Jesus.  It would help to build the church, not tear it down,  It was a new (very old) idea to have home churches for people who were not comfortable with "Church" ideas.  He seemed to understand and was happy for the idea.   We did let him know that it would also allow us to be able to worship without the drums and electric guitars that we found rather distracting.  He understood and thought it was a good idea.

The last little while has been interesting though.  While my husband is busy at work, the phone rings and people call to talk.  Some just need to talk and I'm just happy to be their friend and listen.  Still, others rant about how they hate the chuch and they will never be Seve*th Day A*ventist because of blah blah blah.  Others are afraid to be associated with our little home church for fear of hurting somebody's feelings in the main church but quietly come because they love the blessings they receive there.  Still others phone because they have preconceived or mis-conceived ideas of what we are trying to do.  Judgements are made,  "Are you trying to split the church?"  Accusations are also made but are heard mostly just through that ugly, horrible grape vine and others come with honest open hearts to ask honest open hearted questions.  And so,  It has fallen to me to explain time and time again that,  "Yes,  we love Jesus!  Yes,  we even love our church! and yes,  we are S*venth Day A*ventists and believe the doctrins because we have bent our heads to the Bible to study them and they are indeed true!  Yes,  we are members of the Church and we don't plan on changing that.  Yes, we pay a tithe to God through the conference and we believe that is right.  And finally, No, we are not an offshoot!  We believe in the church organization, the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, and the 28 fundam*ntal beliefs.
We do have some concerns with some practices that are slipping quietly and subtlely into our church and are somehow believed to be "Christian" practices but are not.  Do we judge our brothers?  No, but we pray for them!

And so the burden of this whole misunderstanding lays heavy on my heart.  Art and I have been asked to make our presence known a little more often at the main church so people will know we are working with and not apart from them (Can we do this without attending a rock concert? Maybe they will accomodate once in a while.).  We have been asked but not given a date yet, to speak to the people at the main church about the home church ministry.  We've also been asked to come to the board meeting and explain.  All this we have readily agreed to do happily.

I was thinking about all these things the other day and I prayed for help from God to accomplish only that which would be pleasing to him.  I fear to make my own steps or to make any plans that are not led by Him.  While Art and I have felt led to do this work,  it has been far from easy! 

I went into town to do some visitation with some ladies and to meet with a new lady that is Ad*ventist that has just moved up here for 6 months.  She is working in the prison and was wondering if we could start some sort of prison ministry.  I was very excited about that possibility of course!  Then she went on to say that she would love to meet with the people from the home church as well as from the main church.  She said she had something to teach us about the trinity that we got all wrong!  My heart fell!  Why must we be bombarded so?  I'm not apposed to listening and learning but I can see in my minds eye, more rumors, whispers, accusations.  I'm not quite prepared.

The Devil has certainly put on his army boots and the very foundation of our church is being shaken with each step he takes.  I am more convinced then ever before that there is a great work and ministry to be done up here and that souls are ripe to learn about Jesus and his saving grace, but that is making the enemy scared and determined to botch up any work and anybody that will actually be instrumental in God's hands to reach them. 

Please pray for us.  This is challenging but we are not discouraged!  We just need your prayers that God will lead us careful step by careful step so that we do not in any way damage His cause but rather strengthen it. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Evangelism in the Yukon Today!

Just to let you all know.  I live in one of the hardest communities to reach for Christ.  So I've been told.  We have had evangelism efforts with thousands of dollars spent.  We've had all kinds of different health programs with a little success, at least people came in groups of between 12 to 35.  But, did we reach their hearts for Jesus?  Mmmm, not really. 

But this time was different!  This time was abbsolutely amazing!  I invited Dr. Tim Riesen*berger.  Actually no,  I begged him.  I pleaded with him and when he told me he was completely booked,  I asked him again, if there was not a single weekend.  He asked me when I wanted him to come and he would look at his schedule.  I said,  "I don't care, Doctor! You pick the date that is most available to you and we'll work with your schedule!"  He did.  March 8 and 9.

The pastor was right on the ball with the advertising!  He did good.  Becky J. from our church made posters that were posted all over town. Art, the boys and Bev (a friend), and I did a little door to door work and phoning people.  I was very hopeful!

The Pastor was sure to inform Dr. Tim when he came of all the stories of not being terribly successful around here.  He didn't want the good Doc. to be too disappointed.  Still, by faith we had rented a meeting room at one of our biggest hotels in Whitehorse.  The room held 80 seats which the hotel staff put out in beautiful rows, even though the pastor wished they would have put much less so that we could fill up the seats and at least look good if their were few but no,  they put all 80 chairs out.  But, even the Hotel staff informed the Pastor,  Listen, "It's hard to get an audience at all anymore, these days for anything!  Good luck!)

As the time approached.  The first attendees showed up.   Both schizophrenic and obviously so.  Dr.  Tim remained positive and said,  "Well, at least we have two!"  But by the time the meeting was about to start the flow of people began.  Dr. Tim was sure they were all Adventist people from our church.  But, sorry folks, there isn't that many SDAs in all of Yukon!  The place packed out.  Standing room only! 

Dr. Tim spoke on Cancer prevention and the people listened in rapt attention.  Dr. Tim was very scientific but did not hesitate even the slightest to bring out the need for God.  He gently and carefully and appropriately introduced Bible verses.   Two people walked out, but the rest were glued to their seats.  Dr. Tim spoke with Conviction and Authority!

At the end of the first meeting.  As we were talking.  Dr. Tim asked how many people do you think came that were actually not from the church.  I laughed.  "Tim,  Don't you realize that hardly any of our own people showed up?  Maybe one dozen and that includes my kids!"   
He was shocked.  He didn't believe me.  He called across the room to the Pastor,  "How many people were not from the church?"
The pastor looked up, obviously tickled pink!  "The vast majority, Doctor!"
We were all praising the Lord!

One thing that we did forget though was to have a little peice of paper to get the people's contact information.  So the next morning I got busy and made out the slip of paper, asking for not only contact info but giving a list of other programs we provide such as other Health programs, Stress seminars, Depression recovery, vegetarian cooking classes, and so on.  I also included, in the list " Weekly Home Bible study Group, with fellowship and vegetarian meal"  That would be our home church.  I included "An invitation to attend weekly services at the SDA church and do you need a ride?".   These were to be handed out at the next meeting.

The Dr. and Pastor  both made the announcement that the Dr. would be speaking for the service at the SDA church the next morning!  He was going to speak on his own personaly testimony.

It was absolutely amazing,  the people were so enthralled that the church was packed.  They actually followed the guy to the church!  PTL  The Doctor presented the Gospel in such a way, from the emergency room perspective and he let the tears flow freely.  The audience wept with him.  I sat by a native lady who not only cried but turned to me and said with tears in her eyes, "How can I save my family now?"

We passed the papers out and people responded.  I'm anxious to see the result after church.
At the meeting in the evening there was not a single seat available.  The poor hotel staff were kept busy putting out more and sometimes we got our own.  People were standing against the back wall.

By the time the second day of meetings was over, you could tell the pastor was on a high.  Dr. Tim was on a high and so were we.  But my special elation came when I looked at the little response papers and read,  One after another, the desire for more.  Not only did they want health programs but several requested to come to home Bible study group and fellowship!  Some requested personal Bible studies! and I still haven't seen the papers from after the sermon at church.  I can hardly wait!

What a blessing!  God was so in charge this time!  To God be the Glory!  Our family, The Doctor and the Pastor all celebrated by going out to "The taste of India" for supper!  We sat and talked for probably two hours and at delicious food too! 

Dr. Tim will be leaving today, but I can't thank him enough for being an instrument in the hands of God!  He was truly inspired and inspiring!

That's the story for evangelism in the Yukon today!  Until next time.... Have a great day!