Saturday, October 10, 2015

Desire and Rulership Part 2

Rulership and Desire Gone Rampant

As the years passed from the scene of Adam and Eve pointing each other to the Lamb, most of humanity began to forget the story of God's grace. Their focus turned inward and they embraced the curses of sin as a method to lift themselves higher both in their own eyes and in the eyes of those around them. Thus a competition of power began.
Men took pride in their "ruler" status and took to themselves more and more wives, possessions, and slaves. 
Women, in an effort to compete with one another for the favor and affirmation of men, became equally depraved. They took to seduction and gloried in immodesty, in outward decorations, and all manner of immoral and sexual behavior . 
Both men and women turned to creating their own god's. The kind that, in man's depraved imaginations, needed to be appeased by cruelty and proven will power, and uncommon rulership over both man and beast. 
They incorporated the most wicked behaviors into their worship, the stronger overpowering the weaker in sacrifices, rape, and murder, and the powerful competing with the equally as powerful for supremacy over all, creating a constant battle zone of sin with sin. 
Thus the wickedness of mankind became unbearable as a result of their glorying in the consequence of sin rather then allowing it to work as a means of creating a spirit of repentance and love towards one another. 
It was then that God repented that He had ever made mankind. 
It was then that God looked over the Earth and found only one man left who demonstrated Godly headship to his family. Only one man left who pointed to the lamb as the source of love and affirmation. Only one man who refused the spirit of power, domination and control. 

Noah and his family were obedient to the call of God and built an ark according to God's own directions, all the while pleading with the rest of mankind to give up their self aggrandizement, their false sense of rulership over others, and their desperate attempts at building themselves up in an effort to quell the deep emptiness in their hearts for affirmation and recognition. He pointed them to the lamb, but they would not!
Sadly today, this horrible scenario has increasingly become the culture of our world once again. What of the men slaughtering each other in an effort to rule, the women and children sacrificed to the god of tyranny, the thousands that are sold into sexual slavery for the pleasure of mad men! What of the the sexually driven society, the immorality openly laughed about and fought over? What about the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer and laughing? What about the millions of animals living and dying in the most inhumane conditions for the sake of making men fat? We have been warned! "As in the Days of Noah, so shall it be, just before the Jesus comes", the Bible says. 

Unfortunately it has become such "A way of life" for most people that they simply don't know that there is any other options. Sin and living with the consequences of it have become so common place that most don't even care that there is death at the end of the row they are hoeing, not enough to give up their insatiable desires and cherished power struggles anyhow.
If only people could see that they could be complete in Christ. What will it take to help people know that God is for real? How will they know that he took their demented state of existence on himself and the consequences of their bad choices, and he took the penalty of their sin when he died? How will they understand that he is coming soon to provide for each of them a better place, a better life, a hope and a future? And that they have not only the opportunity now, but the privilege to take his gift of life? 
What will it take for God to make you and me into another Noah to warn the people that according to the Bible prophecy, time is almost up? What will it take?


  1. Welcome back!
    Thank you for the blessing.


  2. Dearest Friend,
    Please know that I really miss your blogging.

    Looking forward to hear from you again.
    Warm regards
    Marie Nel
    South Africa

  3. Please know that you are special and appreciated.
    I do miss your blogging.
