Monday, June 7, 2010


I don't usually tell about what we do at night because that would be a long boring story....sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
But last night was different.  I did do some sleeping but a neighbors dog, through the woods behind us, was barking incesently and somehow I recognized the bark as a big animal bark.  There are a lot of squirrels and little foxes, coyotes and even bigger like wolves but the barking at these animals doesn't get desperate like it does when it is a bear. 
I didn't think much of as it was, like i said, through the woods and at the neighbors and not my problem other then the fact that I couldn't sleep.  But, later my dog jumped up and was forociously barking out our windows.  I got up to see what I could see.  I didn't expect the bear to be standing on my porch!  He came over by the door and started eating something.  Oh, my.... we have been very careful not to leave the garbage out but last night my husband had a brain fart and put two big bags of garbage out on the deck to bring to the dump.  Ugh.  It was all over and now the bear was beside my door enjoying his feast of yuck.
Anyway, I tapped on the window and the bear looked at me then went back to eating.  I opened the door a crack and told him to "Go" but he just sat down on his haunches and gave me the, "Aren't I so cute!?" look.  I looked around for something to throw at him.  There was a little stick at my feet (yes, in the house, thanks to my boys being boys) and a hatchet.  I grabbed the stick as I wasn't interested in wounding the big teddy.  I threw the little stick and off he ran around the corner of the house.  So I grabbed a fresh garbage bag and started cleaning up the mess, while watching my back.  Then my husband came out to help me apologizing profusely for not thinking about the bears when he put the garbage out and was helping me when we saw the bear coming round the opposite side of the house and sent our dog, Patches on a chase.  She thoroughly enjoyed the assignment and got pretty close to the rump of the running bear, barking like a mad dog.   She came back seconds later, her tail waving like a flag and as pleased as punch for having had that opportunity.
So that was how my night and early morning was spent with some sleeping in between.

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