Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm Home!

  • Well....It has been a fantastic last month!!  The kids and I traveled from the Yukon to my sister's in Washington and spent some time with them.  While there we swam, ate fruit to our hearts content, canned a bunch to bring home, hiked in the mountains, went shopping and enjoyed my family (brother, father, sister and husband and all of their 5 children)  it was great and refreshing!

While at my sister's home we fell in love with a little gray kitten that they had.  It was apparently an extra and needed a home.  My kids begged to be able to bring it and I was a little afraid of traveling with a cat, however I finally agreed and we took little "Kitten Mitten" "Minue" "Fluffy" and whatever else it was called with us when we left.  The poor little thing meeeowwed for about 5 minutes and then went to sleep and slept for the next eight hours of driving.  What a great traveler!

The next place we visited was my college roomate's home in Montana, where we spent a week sewing, shopping, laughing, comparing homeschool ideas, and all that fun stuff.  Little "Many Names" (kitten) found himself confronted by a little dog there who thought that he was just what the doctor ordered for entertainment and fun.  Many Names stood his ground though and taught that little dog a little lesson.

When it was time to leave Montana I was able to buy a cat kennel at a yard sale for $5.00.  That was a blessing!
At the border, crossing back into Canada, we answered only the questions we were asked and so we arrived without any ado about the cat in Canada.

We then traveled up to Rocky Mountain House for a family Reunion on my husband's side of the family.  I expected my husband to arrive there from the Yukon before we got there but he was not there.  Not to worry I was sure he would come.  Well, as evening pressed on he did not come and he had our tents and camp stove and pots and pans and plates and everything for camping.   We waited and waited and finally I decided that since there was a little building with picnic tables and a wood stove in it we would just lay them out in there and we were cozy warm all night.   Art showed up around 2 in the morning and slept in his truck.
We decided though, that we prefered our nice warm cabin instead of a tent and so we remained in there for the rest of the camp out.  (I know,  we're pansies!  but we're allowed because we only have summer bags and they are not warm!)

About the Kitten again,  As soon as my husband met him in the morning, he fell in love and called him
"Fritz III".  (He's had two other cats named Fritz before).  My husband seems to think he is a grand little kitty and very smart and cute and well behaved.  And well...that he seems to be!

At the family reunion the kids renewed their friendships with cousins (mostly grown) they already knew from before and met with cousins they didn't know at all who were their own age.  They had a really great time!!

The ride home was very long.  I am sure that the side of the road going North is so much longer then the side going South.  We did however, take a break at the Liard hotsprings and enjoyed the hot bath in the natural pools in the creek.  It was beautiful but made it even harder to drive afterward because after a hot (and I mean hot) bath like that, it only makes one sleepy (very sleepy).

We arrived home Tuesday evening.  I cleaned house Wednesday and made a schedule for our lives.  And today homeschooling and routine has begun with gusto.

I started out the day with a one on one Bible study with each of my children.  I must say, I felt inspired!  We are using "The Picture Smart Bible" new Testiment and already I'm loving it and the kids are too.  I hope to inspire somehow, in the hearts of my children an utmost respect and love for God.  This has been a good beginning.

Anyway  off to do some exercise.
Have a great day!


  1. THanks for posting! Sounds like you had a great time.

  2. Hey Ju, welcome home. Nice long blog too. I'm glad you had a great time, cat and all. Look to hear from you often. Dad

  3. Glad to know you arrived safe and that Art accepts the kitty as part of the family.

    What am I suppose to do with the 11 un-mated boy socks we have collected since you left??

    I redid the office. All painted and rearranged... Looking good.

  4. it is sure nice to read about your family and your experiences - i really missed reading about your adventures. I was in USA myself for about 2 weeks - Dayton, Ohio and Collegedale Tennessee - we got the kids set up for their last year at Southern Adventist University and then visited Jacquie's sister and parents a little. It was nice - i drove around 5,000 kilometers. I was home for a week then down to Fort Erie to visit my brother for a weekend - all in all its been a nice summer vacation. I wait to read more of your blogs - oh ya i purchased myself a Canon Rebel 2Ti 18 mega pix - now i am a student LOL in learning all about it - soon you'll see some pics posted.....
