Friday, September 17, 2010

Whewwwww! First week of school done!

Hi again everyone,
I'll have to say, I've led one busy week.  I have my kids well organized and busy this school year!  It feels good but somewhat exhausting, at least until we get used to the schedule.
Ziggy loves his schedule and dives into his activities with a passion to win his three tickets a day which entitles him to play time, going to the evangelistic meeting in the evening, going skating, watching a video or playing games or whatever else in a non-necessary activity.
C. is a lot more distractable and tends to have a harder time keeping up with a schedule but he has a good attitude and does his stuff.
J.  on the other hand likes control more then the others and my requiring him to perform chores and classes in my time and my way is very difficult for him and he has balked every step of the way which is probably what made it exhausting for me.  Anyway,  he is coming along and beginning to realize that I am dead serious about being organized and focused about them learning good work ethics and to have the ability to stand alone should the need ever arise.  I also intend for them to be disciplined and well mannered and beautiful children.
And so....we continue!

As for reading other blogs,  I've been reading my sisters and always find it interesting.  She was commenting how Some PT (Not sure who that is,  she is adopting two little ones who are six and there are miriads of medical people, therapists, social workers and others involved. So who PT is, I'm not sure)  told her that they are concerned because her adoptees at six years old don't know all their shapes.  Is that really a huge concern in the great scheme of things?  So many other things to worry about but I guess triangles are very important!

I'm only saying all this for my sister's sake.  Don't worry the small  things.  My little Ziggy is almost eight and still can't get all his shapes or even his letters straight.  He just simply couldn't care less!  However, in driving with my husband the other day, he asked questions like this:  "Dad the truck is moving forward really fast and I see a fly inside the cab here.  I know the fly is moving much slower then the truck, why is it that the fly is not pasted up against the back window?"  Wow!  My husband had some science and physics to explain and my little seven year old understood and got it!  That isn't the first time he has displayed some major thinking abilities.  However,  what sound does a "u" and "i" or and "e" make or what shape is a triangle, square or rectangle?  It's been months in the learning!  Not to worry, C.  was like that too and I was beginning to dispair but he seems to be fine now that he is 11 years old.
Don't sweat the small stuff!

And just so you know,  I took these pictures after I wrote the post.  J. is so true to his attitude in this picture.  Sigh...

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Julie. Why is the fly not pasted against the back of the cab? Hmm, I wouldn't have a clue. Dad
