Thursday, September 15, 2011


Wow, this morning has been hard for me so far and I'm not even out of my housecoat yet. 
Yesterday was a busy day with lots to do.  I had a Bible study/Prayer group planned for the evening and spent the morning writing members of our church for support as well as friends.  I encouraged everyone to come, hoping there would be a good response and a desire to not only support but be encouraged spiritually.  I have been praying for this even for weeks and have felt a little bit of resistance. 
There has been some "Well, good luck!" kind of responses and some, "Is this prayer meeting?  Why isn't the pastor doing it?"  I prayed my way through each discouragement and asked for God to help me.  I went to the meeting nervous and feeling unprepared.  I presented a little on how to study the Bible.  Everyone (all six) who came listened.  Some participated a little in conversation.  It was made up of all shy people.  It was hard.  I did most of the talking.  After the Bible Study I introduced united prayer.  My neighbor lady who is new in faith and just learning, cried through the whole prayer.  I'm thinking that prayer touched a chord in her heart somewhere.  I hope she feels comfortable to come again.  She is such a nice lady and a good friend.

After returning home however, a cloud of complete discouragement decended on me.  I was so completely overwhelmed with, why am I doing this and who do I think I am?  Perhaps people think I am trying to take control and take over the pastor's place.  I do not know how to do this.  I need help!  The discouragement continued all though the night and I did not sleep well.  This morning I prayed and asked God for strength.  I will call the pastor and ask for guidance too.  But he is more discouraged then I. 

I believe the Devil has his grip on the Yukon and does not want this place to be evangelized.  Last time we had a pastor come up and do a series of meetings here, he became so discouraged that he canceled several of the last meetings and left before even baptizing the two people who did want to give their hearts to Jesus.  Our pastor, of course, did that for them.  But I tell you.  The Devil is not going to stand for work being done here. 

Please, I beg anyone who is a Christian out there to pray that we can reach the people of the Yukon for Jesus!  I need prayer too.  I need a partner church to pray for our church.  Another church that is concerned, and already has an established group that prays to pray for our church.  We are floundering and I'm praying!

And...just to add to all of that,  my camera which I put on the table yesterday is gone and it cannot be found anywhere.  I had some pictures to share from the garden and what not but I cannot find my camera anywhere, anywhere.  I'm praying about that too.  God knows I need miracles today!


  1. We love you Julie; don't hide your light that's exactly what the enemy desires. Use the talents the Lord has given you - the time is so short that we need to keep pushing forward and the Lord has promised help. He is more willing to give us His Holy Spirit than parents are to give good gifts to their children. God has His people in the Yukon - keep sowing seeds, He will pour down the rain in His time and the seeds will grow. Love, Antionette & Family xx

  2. Don't even think of being discouraged. Just put one foot ahead of the other and don't look back. Build and the six you have to work with, and if they go down to one, build on one. The purity of our motives need to be tested, but when we will not be discouraged, then the Lord pours out His blessing. Dad

  3. Recenlty we've begun the united prayer in our home prayer meeting. There is something powerful the Lord is doing in it. We are experiencing some slow entrances to neighbors hearts. We've been praying a befriending them for 5 year or more. It's amazing, some times one only gets a glimpse "behind the scene" and how the Lord is really working in indiviual lives. When I think of you I will pray for you and your group/church too.

  4. Praying for your church. We had 4 plus our family at our united prayer meeting. It will grow as winter comes on and the demands of harvest settles, but there is an incredible stupor gripped on people everywhere... I too have felt it. I'm reading a fabulous books on the Holy Spirit. Talks about united prayer and is being used to renew my energies and commitment.
