Friday, September 30, 2011

We are ready, almost!

We have been preparing all summer long for this moment.  We are pretty much ready.  
We have the canned food.

 Different kinds of kraut made.

A huge freezer full of garden greens, broccoli, and cauliflower

Big Sacks of potatoes
 Buckets of carrots in Sand
The back 40 mowed down
The front 40 mowed and looking neat
Piles of wood everywhere!  This is where we are still a bit behind.  Still have more to saw, more to stack and more to split.  Haven't got a wood shed yet .  :0(
School has begun in earnest.
Sorry for the pictures of messy desks.

Ok, let it snow!!!!!


  1. I hope we don't have snow for 2 more months!!!

    I just planted lettuce and greens in my greenhouse.

  2. RaleighFlint was killed this morning in a car accident. Life isn't too secure, is it? Dad
