Sunday, March 13, 2011

Homeschool group

We have a new homeschool group that has started since we have moved to this end of town.  It has been a lot of fun for the kids.  The group meets every Thursday at the Wildlife preserve behind our house.  I love it because the boys and I can walk there whenever we want to. 

Here is one of our friends that we meet  on our walk everytime.  This Elk loves people.  I guess he was bottle fed as a baby and loves the personal attention.

Hey,  You want a close up?

Can I eat your camera?

At the homeschool group, learning our facts about swans.  They should be coming home very soon.  We are getting ready for the Swan festival.

Making paper mache' swans.

1 comment:

  1. There are swans on the ponds at the wildlife refuge not far from our house, maybe they are on their way up to your house. We saw a huge flock of snow geese too, our first time to see them. They were beautiful. Usually we only see Canada geese.
