Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Show is on Again

Even as I write, the last glimmering, dancing lights are flitting across the sky.  It was an absolutely spectacular show tonight.  I don't think I've seen them this beautiful until now.  It is -25 C. but I had to go outside and snap picture.  Unfortunately the camera is just not doing it justice.  It seems that I see such a beautiful arrangement of colour and lights and by the time my camera is done taking the picture it has danced off to some new and improved arrangement and I can't capture that one either. 
Here are some of the pictures that turned out not too bad. 

First they started off low in the sky and brilliant with colour.
Then they started breaking up and swirling up into ribbons of light.
Then they began to curl and and uncurl and literally run and dance across the sky.
Here are some that just burst from the original line of light.
And so they continued for about an hour.
I hope I'm not boring you all with this.  It is so hard to capture in words the beauty that I saw this night.  Wish you were all here with me, standing in the cold.  At least we could chatter our teeth in unison.  :0)

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