Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sprouted Wheat bread

Ok,  I made sprouted wheat bread again today.  And, today it turned out absolutely beautiful. 
Here is what I did:
I sprouted 8 1/2 c. dry wheat by putting it in a big bowl and soaking it for about 16 hours.
Then, I drained off the water, rinsed the wheat berries, drained them again and then let them sit in the bowl without water until they sprouted a very tiny little white sprout that you can hardly see.

I measured 5 1/2 c. sprouted wheat berries into my food processor and 3 T. gluten flour.
Grind it up while you get the yeast ready.  
I put 1 T. yeast in a cup with 1/3 c. water,
1 T. honey
1 t. salt
and 1/4 c, oil
When the yeast is activated a bit I pour it slowly over my grinding wheat berries and continue grinding until I have a fairly smooth dough.  
Then I take it and put it in my Kitchen aid bread mixer and let it mix with the dough hook for about 5 minutes to beat the gluten a bit.
I put it in a bowl in the oven at 150 degrees and let it rise until double in size.
I took it out and kneaded it into a loaf and put it in a pan and back into the oven to rise again.
When it was risen to a beautiful fluffy loaf I turned on the oven to 350 degrees and baked it for 35 or 40 minutes.
I couldn't help trying it soon after.  It was delicious and fluffy!  Won't last long around here I'm sure.

Ta da!  Made without flour except 3 T. of gluten.


  1. nice looking bread. might have to try making it.

  2. Looks great, Ju. Wish I was there. Dad
