Friday, March 18, 2011

What is going on?

My kids have not been sick in a very long time.  I was beginning to feel like perhaps we had passed the baby stage and the kids just didn't get sick much anymore.  Well,  then this week hit.  It actually started with my husband who came down with a cold.  He couldn't understand it because usually he is the last one ever sick and this time nobody around him at home, work or church were sick, just him.  His cold progressed to fevers and chills and time off of work.  Next, Ziggy came down with the same thing and alternated between fevers and chills and a stuffy head.  Then it was C's turn, same thing.  But, as Art and Ziggy seemed to get better, C's fever got worse and he developed a sore throat.

Up to this point J. and I had held out and were the only happy, healthy ones.  Later though, J. developed a seriously soar throat and I chalked it up as "his turn".  Well, he never came down with the cold or a fever but he stopped eating because it hurt too much.  I had already gone to the clinic for C who had been complaining of abdominal pain and through a blood test it was confirmed that it was not appendicitis.  Good.  This time though, was off to emergency room as the clinics were all closed.  Strep throat for both C and J.  Ugh!

Back home again, with my bag of antibiotics in hand, thinking "good, it will all be over in a day".  Ha!
In the middle of the night Ziggy woke up crying that his ear hurt so bad.  Yep!  clear sign of ear infection.  I gave him a dose of his brothers antibiotics, put some ear drops in his ear that are suppose to relieve pain and gave him some Ibuprofin.  Not good enough!  The crying and pain in the ear continued and so I made a hot compress, and put it to his ear, then made a hot foot bath to decongest his upper body.  He was soon fine and able to go back to bed and sleep the rest of the night.  Good!  This should all be over in the morning.

No such luck.  Ziggy's one eye is so puffy and red this morning that it looks like he has pink eye or an infection of some sort in his eye.  Not only that, he has a big round puffy spot in one arm pit that looks like hives but he says it doesn't itch at all.  He looks terrible. Back to the clinic this morning for some antibiotics for him too.
J.  seems to be fine now again, and although he had strep throat, he has avoided the cold.  C. is some better too but still coughing like crazy.  Art is dragging himself to work everyday but seems to be slowly getting better.  Ziggy is the one I'm still puzzling over.  It has been some week!  What happened to my healthy kids?

I'm fine so far!! :0)


  1. It's here too. Fever for Christina for 3 days.... glassy-eyes and red faced, exhausted Vanessa. Buster is has a cold and his nose won't stop running. Missy is crabby - oh, what's new? LOL.

  2. hair dryer towards the hurting ear helps to relieve the pain allot as well - hope you are all better now
