Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sprouts, microgreens, and planting a garden.

Ok,  I am so anxious for spring!  I know that when spring comes, it usually comes very quickly up here.  So, since my neighbour told me that she always starts planting her garden in the last week of April, I've been thinking about gardening.  J and I planted tomato seeds and cucumber, basil and some flowers today.  I can't wait to see the little shoots coming up. 
Another thing we planted as an experiment was a whole tray of fenugreke seeds.  I would like to eat them as microgreens.  Apparently they are super good for you.  Then we planted a tray of Fennel seeds.  I read that the baby plants taste a bit like licorice and it tastes to nice in a salad.  I guess we'll find out.

I am also on a sprouting kick.  I have been reading about how good for you sprouts are and how high their nutritional value is.  So,  we are sprouting seeds, grains and legumes.
The big bowl has wheat berries in it.  I learned that bread made from whole wheat flour actually spikes the blood sugar and so the body has to produce extra insulin and stores up the sugars as fat.   Seeing that I don't need anymore fat, I learned that sprouted wheat bread doesn't do that.  It acts more like a slow release for you blood sugar and the sugars get used up for energy instead.  Spelt bread is also good and brown rice bread.  I'm learning lots aren't I?  :0)

The plate with the cover has fenugreke seeds, the big jar with the brown has lentils, the next has alfalfa, and the next has mung beans.  The little jar has fennel.
Obviously they are all in the first stage of the sprouting procedure. 
Here is a not so great picture of a very yummy dish I made with sprouted lentils.  It was a bit spice but so very very delicious.  I used shreaded coconut, sauteed onions and garlic, french cut string beans, sprouted lentils and chicken style seasoning, and finally Masalla mara seasoning.  Oh,  Love curry!  Good with plain yogurt and rice!
Today we had spring rolls made with rice noodles, chinese gluten, and mungbean sprouts.  The boys loved every bit of it.
Alfalfa spout sandwiches are a big hit with them too.  Funny,  I hated sprouts when I was a kid.  My kids can't get enough of them.  :0)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun, and yummy too. We are starting little plants at our house too. We have some little pea plants up that we are going to put out under a plastic cover soon, but of course, we live farther south then you. I'm getting excited for the weather to start warming.
