Monday, March 21, 2011

Healthy Snacks

Here it is Mom!

My mom told me about Sprouted wheat candy that she used to make and really liked.  I couldn't for the life of me remember eating anything like that when I was a kid but I set about to make up a recipe using her ideas.  The funny thing is, I still don't remember the time or place or anything about this sprouted wheat candy when I was a kid but as soon as I tasted it I remembered the taste very well, like it was yesterday. 
  Well,  I ground up my sprouted wheat, blended in some sucanat, molasses, sunflower seeds, lots of ground flax, vanilla and salt.  I also added raisins.  I wish I could have added nuts but I didn't have any when I made the bars so I added them on top after I coated them.
I spread the mixture onto a pan, cut it up into bars and froze it in the freezer (I discovered that they don't freeze hard, which is perfect).
Later, I removed them from the freezer and carob coated them with malt sweetened carob chips.  My kids love them.
They are healthy and it makes for good hiking snacks, town trip lunches, or a healthy dessert after a meal at home. They need to be kept cool!

Sorry the pictures are bit fuzzy.  I wasn't taking my time. 

1 comment:

  1. Sprouted Wheat Candy
    1 Cup wheat sprouts
    1 Cup walnuts
    1 Cup coconut
    1 Cup raisins
    Unhulled sesame seeds

    Place all ingredients, except sesame seeds through fine-blade meat grinder. Mix well and shape into balls. Roll in sesame seeds. Refrigerate before serving. Love mom

    Yours look great. This is the recipe that I found on line.
